Locks & Breakfast, a logo for a fictional yet trendy bagel shop, was designed in one of my illustrator classes. We were assigned bussiness names at random and tasked with coming up with a bussiness and a logo for the name we were given.
What I especially like about this piece is the design process I went through to create it. Click here to see the different sketches I drew during the design process.
I have marked three of the sketches with red stars, these dinosaurs were not intended to be possible logos they were nothing more than random doodles. The funny thing is when I was presenting to the class for feedback it was the random doodles of dinosaurs that people liked the most.
This was created for a class assignment to design a deck of playing cards and the first thing that popped into my mind when I heard the assignment was steampunk cats.
Click here to see the mood board I created to use as inspirtation and as a jumping off point for my work. Here are the clubs, diamonds, and hearts.